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Heading home.

Back to earth again, in both senses, as the adrenalin is starting to wear off and we can reflect on the climb.

There is no doubt that this was the most dangerous 8000 metre peak I’ve climbed and the ascent was tough, as with so many of the big peaks. But we’d also like to think that given the extreme conditions, our risk assessments were accurate and enabled us to push on when fear and exhaustion said go down. (Well perhaps there a little luck involved…)

We are not eating much for sunburnt lips and tongues, nor sleeping due to still being pretty hyped but those issues and our aching bodies will heal quickly.

Our planned heli transport has been cancelled several times so we may have to start trekking out soon but either way the climbing component is over and we can relax.

Soon home to friends and family and back to reality. But plans for the next one are already forming… What can I say – thin air is a powerful drug.

Thanks for following my expedition; I hope you found it interesting. If you log onto my website from time to time, you’ll see when the next one’s on. Also there will be information about slide shows, public presentations and keynote speaking opportunities.

A final thankyou to those supporters of this climb, without which it would not have been possible:

  • Geoff Chapman
  • Trek and Travel
  • Mountain Equipment (Sydney)
  • Gore-Tex ®
  • Mountain Hardwear
  • Greg and Lorraine Woon
  • Sea to Summit
  • World Expeditions
  • Thai Airways International
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