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Updates & News from our Expeditions

IMG_3867-Andrew-Lock-keynote-speaker-australia-mountaineer Everest

Game Over

So what’s next? Well, I’d planned to stop climbing 8000ers after this expedition and I see no reason to revise that. As of now, I’m retired from the death zone.
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The Attempt

The attempt

Back in Kathmandu, enjoying the questionable delights of civilisation; horns, pollution, crowds, heat and flies. Thankfully, no giant bats.
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Word at last!

First up, no. I turned around at 8500 metres, just a few hundred metres from the summit, due to some early but very strong signs of HACE (high altitude cerebral oedema). Symptoms – double vision, vomiting, micro sleeps (whilst climbing!), falling and hallucinations (giant bats).
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Game on

Looks like a good weather window opening on 25th, 26th and 27th. i've had a wash so there's little more to do here in basecamp. heading up tomorrow. back in a week or so. ciao.
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Andrew Lock Scouts Australia

Crowds and clouds

Back last night from yet another trip to the North col at 7000 metres. There wasn’t time to send a despatch before I went up (only because this *&^% internet hook-up is so unreliable). Funny how dependant you become on something you never had before…
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Cheers , Comrade Andrew Lock Everest Keynote Speaker Australia

Waiting game

We’ve been hearing stories of expedition’s cancelling on the south (Nepal) side of the mountain due to rock fall; a result of the very dry season. On our side however, the mountain conditions are ok. Our biggest issue is the wind.
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Yak Transport Service Everest


Back in basecamp day before yesterday but only now getting communications. Thanks to all who sent best wishes and apologies for not replying – email is almost impossible to operate this year.
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I’ve travelled overland from Kathmandu across the border into Tibet via Xangmu and then spent a few days in Nyalam and Tingri, hill climbing, acclimatising and doing my utmost to avoid the local food. With limited success unfortunately, as there is little else.
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Once more unto the breach…

Kathmandu Yes, its back to Everest time. Talk about deja vu. Same city, same hotel,…

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All Over

All over

Back in Kathmandu and taking advantage of refrigerators, and restaurants that don't sell dal bhat!!…

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Not This Time

Not this time

Basecamp Back in basecamp and have to report that I was unsuccessful. What started out…

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Summit Attempt

Summit attempt

Basecamp And so its time. Sitting alone in my basecamp, I think I may be…

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Giant Yak

And then…

Basecamp again Just back to basecamp again after another quick run up to abc for…

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Looking Up From North Col Of Everest

Basecamp again

everest basecamp north side Back in basecamp again after poor weather prevented me from reaching…

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Climbing To North Col

in basecamp, leaving basecamp

basecamp Everest north side Have been in basecamp for a few days but unable to…

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Happy Easter All

Happy Easter all

The last few days have been spent sorting equipment and preparing loads for the yaks…

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Not This Time

In basecamp

Arrived in Everest basecamp two days ago and have been setting up camp and getting…

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2011 – let the games begin

Greetings, this is the first despatch from my 2011 expedition(s). Sitting in my hotel in…

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Expedition complete.

Now in Kathmandu sorting, cleaning and repairing equipment before finding a flight back to Australia…

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The details.

Sorry for being out of contact. Since our summit day the weather has been appalling…

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Did it.

Summitted the true summit of Shishapangma at 5.05pm, 2nd October, with Neil Ward. Very tough…

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Going for it.

Back into ABC on Friday afternoon after a worthwhile acclimatisation climb to camp 2, where…

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Route Finding In The Pinnacles

Next stage

The weather continues to hold at Shisha and our fingers remain crossed for more of…

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Heading up

After a great puja ceremony yesterday we are itching to get onto the mountain. All…

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Apologies for no contact - technology issues. (Thought i'd escaped the office but alas...) Anyway,…

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Once more to Shisha

Its that time again. Sitting in the Bangkok airport awaiting my connection to Kathmandu, I…

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Expedition Cancelled

Well I'm sorry to say that I've had to cancel my Shishapangma expedition this season.…

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Welcome to 2009

Sitting in a flash new coffee shop in Kathmandu checking my emails with free Wi-Fi…

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Back to Civilisation

A final message from our Makalu expedition. After a few days waiting for our porters…

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The Top


08, I stood on the summit of Mt Makalu, 8470 metres, world's 5th highest mountain…

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Wish Us Luck.

Wish us luck.

We're going for it. All weather forecasts indicate our best chance is to stick to…

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In The Tent At C3 Makalu

Ready to go for it.

We are back in basecamp after climbing to 7400 metres to place our camp 3…

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Walking Beside The Beautiful Ice Seracs

Camp 2 established.

Since the last despatch we've been busy and enjoying the mountain. The day after the…

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Makalu Basecamp

First days on the hill.

We arrived in Makalu basecamp 2 days ago and were greeted with the sight of…

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Makalu At Last!

Makalu at last!

Finally our Russian built MI17 helicopter has delivered us to our mountain. Our scheduled flight…

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Trouble in Tibet

Arrived in Kathmandu on Sunday and have prepared all my loads for the two expeditions…

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Welcome to 2008

Hello All, 2008 is upon us and the pre-monsoon climbing season approaches quickly. On 15…

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Not this time.

Well I'm afraid there won't be a summit for me this season. The hoped for…

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Lenticular Cloud Shishapangma

Not looking promising.

After returning from a night at camp 1 the day before yesterday, the latest forecast…

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Heavy Weather

Heavy weather

Well we are having to work hard to make any progress on the mountain this…

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Heading Up

Heading up

Finally the three days of continuous snowfall have eased and we can make a push…

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Expedition Blues.

Expedition blues.

Now in basecamp for almost a week but not much progress apart from a load…

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Shishapangma's North Face

Basecamp at last

We arrived in ABC yesterday after a series of delays. The late monsoon ensured plenty…

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Kathmandu again

We've arrived in Kathmandu to find a late monsoon, sweltering temperatures and humidity like standing…

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Back to Shishapangma

Hi All a quick note to advise that I'm heading back to Shisha in the…

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Heading home.

Back to earth again, in both senses, as the adrenalin is starting to wear off…

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We did it! We did it! We did it! We did it! We did it!…

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Going for it.

Laptop broken, mp3 broken, down to my last book. Time to go up. And maybe…

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Ho hum.

Another day in basecamp waiting for an improvement in conditions. All night it rained here…

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Biding our time.

Daily tasks occupy us in bc as people begin to accept the loss of friends…

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We are all in a very melancholy state having learnt of the deaths of two…

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Just another working week.

Back in basecamp again after a tough but reasonably successful week pushing the route out…

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1st attempt

After 3 days resting and recovering in bc, from the climb on Shishapangma and quick…

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Luxury Shaving Kathmandu

A lesson in mania

This update comes after a crazy couple of days moving from Shishapangma to Annapurna bc.…

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C3 Shishapangma

No summit on Shisha

Greetings. The attempt on Shishapangma's main summit did not go as planned. After climbing direct…

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Shishapangma ABC

Shishapangma ABC

Hi again from Shishapangma ABC. Today is ANZAC day in Australia and New Zealand and…

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Shishapangma ABC

Hi from Shishapangma basecamp on a cold and snowy Monday morning. We returned to abc…

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Arrival in abc

We arrived yesterday in advance basecamp after a slow trip from Kathmandu ino Tibet, whilst…

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It looks as though Shishapangma isn't going to happen this season, or at least not…

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Trekking In The Khumbu

Hi from Kathmandu

Greetings from Kathmandu. I've just returned from 3 weeks trekking and hill climbing in the…

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