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Just another working week.

Back in basecamp again after a tough but reasonably successful week pushing the route out to camp 3. I climbed with the Spanish team direct to C2 on Monday but due to deep and dangerous snow conditions and further snowfall at C2, we were obliged to wait 2 days for conditions to improve. Two of the Spanish team descended to BC but on Thursday, Ivan, Fernando, their 2 Sherpas and I pushed up the ridge and extended the ropes towards C3. We couldn’t get all the way, so made a temporary camp atop a lofty serac with spectacular views to bc and beyond to Dhaulagiri. Friday saw the Sherpas descend to C2 but Ivan, Fernando and I continued fixing on very steep and exposed ground until we finally reached a suitable point for C3 around 6500 metres. We dropped a quick depot before retreating in the face of a fierce electrical storm, descending all the way to basecamp where we arrived at 7pm, in time for dinner and the weekend off. Just another working week…

This is a really tough and demanding route. No easy summits I’m afraid. Looking forward to a few rest days.

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